ISNAP: Integrated Single-cell data NAvigation Portal

What is the purpose of ISNAP?

  • "Snappy" and flexible platform to publish biological data

    • Can be adapted for most R bioinformatic workflows
  • Improve readership and increase credibility for research publications

    • Present and publish biological data in organized layout (interactive)
  • Modular framework allows user to customize the interface

  • Open source and free to be modified

What can ISNAP do right now?

  • View SCENIC data through an interactive portal

What are the future plans for ISNAP?

  • Seurat implementation is still in progress (improvements to plot rendering speed using R object)

  • Integrate Velocyto (RNA velocity), bulk RNA-Seq, and other bioinformatic workflow data together to provide a richer biological image of lab data

  • Ability to not only view and navigate through data but also run complete analyses



packages = c("shiny", "tidyverse", "shinydashboard",
                 "shinythemes", "Seurat", "reticulate")
    package.check <- lapply(
      FUN = function(x) {
        if (!require(x, character.only = TRUE)) {
          install.packages(x, dependencies = TRUE)
          library(x, character.only = TRUE)